Please use the following form to send us your requirements. This will let us understand the scope of your project.

= Required Fields
Name :
Position title :
Company :
Address :
State :
City :
Zip Code :
Phone Number :
Email Address :
Present /Intended URL (if any) :
Industry :
Please select the services
that you are interested in (select all that apply)
New Website Design
Redesign Existing site
Logo/Brochure Design
Web/Email Hosting
Mobile Application Development
Software Application Development
Blog, Forum, Portal
E-commerce Solution
Content Management System
Custom CRM software solution
Database Design, Development and Reporting
Search Engine Optimization
Testing and Quality Assurance
I.T Consulting
Other (please specify)
Please select the total estimated budget for this project : Below $2,500
$2,500 - $10,000
$10,000 - $25,000
$25,000 - $50,000
Above $50,000
What is your intended launch date for the new site : 23 March 2025
Can this project be divided into phases to accommodate budget and timing constraints : Yes
Site Objectives (select all that apply) :
Establish a web presence, increase marketing & product branding
Increase sales
Generate business leads
Increase international presence of the organization
Generate requests for information
Build e-Commerce store
Provide information about special promotions and events
Build an email database to send periodic newsletter
Recruit new employees/post job opportunities
Use a few adjectives to describe how the user should perceive the new site (select all that apply) :
Cutting edge
Do you want a site with many images or something simple? Please explain :
Do you have any color schemes in mind? If yes, please elaborate :
How many people (approximately) will access your site on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis : upto 100/day
upto 500/day
upto 1000/day
upto 3000/day
more than 3000/day
What is the primary action the user should take when coming to your site (select all that apply) :
Make a purchase
Become a member
Search for information
List the URLs of any sites you find compelling. What specifically do you like about these sites :
Do you have existing material for your product/idea in the form of one of the following? (select all that apply) :
Business Plan
I don't have any existing material
Please select from the following technologies you desire to be used in the development of your website (select all that apply) :
PHP / MySQL / MS-SQL Server
ASP / Visual Basic
Will you have database functionality (dynamic content generation, search capabilities, personalization/login)? :
Please provide the business and functional requirements: :
Do you already have a database in place? :
Will you have a need for secured transactions (E-commerce) : Yes
Do you plan to have (a) (select all that apply) :
Guest book
Shopping cart
Order forms
Calendar of events
Contact form
Flash slide shows or other animation
Reservation or secure order forms
Online chat
Virtual tours
Dynamic Contents
Do you want to maintain the website yourself or sign up for a maintenance package with I2O2 : I want to do everything myself
I would like an easy to use content management system
I would like to sign up for a maintenance package with I2O2
I am not sure what this means
Will you be providing any of the following content or materials to the Web site design firm? (select all that apply) : We will provide copy/text for our website
We will provide high resolution logo for our website
We will provide images/graphics for our website
We will provide layout/site map for our website
We will provide hosting for our website
We will not provide anything
Will you be providing stock photography or would you like us to provide this for you : Yes, I will provide good quality images for the website
No, I will need you to provide images for the website.
If you will be providing:

Please provide us with the following materials to get started:

Good quality photos.
Please send us all of the images that you have so that our
designers can choose the best image(s) for the design.
Please remember that photos from magazines and other copyrighted
materials cannot be used without permission.
Digital photos are acceptable. Please submit images larger than
640x480 in .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .psd, or .tif formats.
If you have an existing logo, we require a digital copy of the
image or we will need to re-create the logo.


News & Events
  • Real Estate website for Saudi Arabia based company has been developed and deployed.
  • I2O2 got the contract for a social networking website to make the world aware of the Diseases and People suffering from it.
  • A UK based e-retailer has chosen us to develop their shopping cart and online fund transfer application.

We provide IT consulting, software application development, web 2.0 development, testing & quality assurance, internet marketing, and business intelligence services. Our years of experience, a pool of IT resources and excellence in top technologies like .NET, PHP, ASP, Perl, Cold Fusion, JAVA and eCommerce software platform can be of a winning solution to your business needs.

Our Client Proximity Center is located in Canada.