Mr. Baig is a highly skilled Software Engineer, Entrepreneur and Software Consultant. Sufian Baig holds Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from Concordia University, Canada. Mr. Baig has more than five (5) years of technical experience, in the areas of Software Design, Software & Web Development and Maintenance, Custom ERP and CRM applications development, Database Design and Development, Software Quality Assurance, Software Consultancy, Technical Services and Support.
Below are the details of the projects on which he worked in the past years.
Real Estate Website for Customers/Agents
URL: http://www.safqaa.com
Description: It is a real estate website used to get information about the properties to sell or rent. The website is in English as well as Arabic language. The real estate agents, property owners can browse their properties added by them. They can also edit or delete them later. Buyers can view property locations through google map feature, images of properties and can contact the owner or agent of the select property by sending messages. Users can also add properties to their favorite blog and can show and send their interest to property agent or owner. While adding property details, multiple property types are supported and each property type has multiple attributes. The owners/agents can specify the exact location of property by using google map feature. The location is then displayed in property details when a buyer can use that property. Owner can also add multiple images of the property. The website also contains the news section which gives details on the home page and also has two separate advertisement modules based on flash and images. The detail of the news can be seen in another section and it can be added/edit/delete from admin panel. The users of the website can register them and have their own dashboard where they can add/edit/delete/view their properties and can add it to their favorites. They can view messages send by other users and can also edit their profile information like contact information, profile picture, password etc. The admin panel section manages the entire website and its contents. Separate admin portal is provided to manage all the listing properties like add/delete properties. Admin panel section is also used to manage other details also like user details, to manage news section, to add/delete/edit news, to manage flash section, to add/edit/delete flash based advertisements, to view the history of contacts being initiated by users, to add/edit/delete cities into system, types of properties, module to send notifications/news letters to website users. The added properties can be zoomed at city level as well as on district level.
Technologies: ASP.NET, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005, SEO.
Social Network Website for Patients
URL: http://www.youcureme.com
Description: Development of a social networking website for cancer patients. This website serves as a way for the people, patients and relatives globally, to share, get help and support. Doctors need their place to contribute news and research. Website has admin panel as well to manage the content of whole website. Administrators are able to manage the content of WebPages, add/edit/delete members, create and manage surveys, manage FAQs section and blog posts.
Technologies: Php, Ajax, Jquery, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL, SEO.
QCVC (Quality Control Vendor Certification)
URL: http:// http://www.qcvc.net/
Description: Maintenance, bug fixes, and development of the new modules and enhancement of the huge web based, Canadian quality control application for contractors. This application works as a bridge between consumers and contractors, where contractors need to provide all their documents and fill an online application, which is later approved and verified by quality control department. After approval, these contractors could be assigned and work with different clients on their projects.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#), HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
Epower - Arise
URL: http://arise.quickcontractors.com/
Description: Development of a CRM for the client of quickcontractors.com, Arise Technologies Corporation (http://www.arisetech.com). Purpose of this CRM is to handle large projects that consist of different tasks and each task has an associated skill set description and inventory. The purpose is to manage several crews/ teams or independent contractors assigned to various different projects/jobs that may consist of a variety of different tasks. The project has 7 different portals (Admin, Affiliate, Client, Sub, Sales, Contractor and Customer).
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#) , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
URL: http://encore.nubreed.ca
Description: Development of a CRM for our clients Encore Paintings. Purpose of a CRM is to handle leads (Jobs) that goes through the various phases and successfully completed. Different types of users are involved in different stages of a Job. The project has 5 different portals (Admin, Affiliate, Sales, Contractor and Customer).
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#) , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
Direct Energy
URL: http://clients.quickcontractors.com/
Description: Maintenance, bug fixes, and development of new modules and enhancement of the CRM of quickcontractors.com. This project has four portals. Clients, Stores, Contractors and Admin. Here different jobs are created against Clients and Contractors. Invoices are generated and all payments and transactions history are maintained by the system. Jobs can be import and export as well.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#) , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
Direct Energy Survey
URL: http://surveys.quickcontractors.com/
Description: Maintenance, bug fixes, and enhancement of the subdomain of quickcontractors.com. This is a survey area, where clients are required to participate in a survey for contractors performance evaluation.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#) , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
KnowAll (CRM)
URL: http://www.knowallcrm.co.uk
Description: A CRM for a UK based company. Worked on 8 modules (more than 50%).
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#) , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
NMCA Tyson
URL: http://ncmatysons.org
Description: Clients are registered for the various events, seminars, certifications and training programs. Email notifications are sent to the clients for various events. Admin panel is provided to manage Users, Attendees, Sponsors, Event, Payments, News Letters, Mails and News. Member search is also done. Responsible for old site bugs fixing, new client's changes, maintenance work and authorize.net payment gateway integration. Worked on both font end and admin panel.
Technologies: PHP , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
Sicotte Recruitment
URL: http://www.sicotterecrutement.ca/
Description: Development of a recruitment website. This is a Multilanguage website (French and English). Website has admin panel as well to manage the content of whole website. Administrators are able to manage the content of WebPages, add/edit/delete jobs, news, companies, events, categories and client testimonials. Administrators are also able to manage slider images (on the home page), website users, manage newsletter subscribers and send newsletters. The frontend has excellent features to share all the information (jobs, news, events) on social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Viadeo.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
VRMS(Vehicle Rental Management System)
Description: Development of a Vehicle Rental Management System desktop application (a software product). This project has 3 versions. 1st, 1 year licensed version of Desktop Application has been developed and delivered to one of our UAE’s client successfully. Software included 1 year licensing feature and windows XP and windows VISTA compatibility.
Technologies: Windows Forms using C#, Crystal Reports and SQL SERVER 2005.
URL: eurocog.org/
Description: It is an medical psychological test website, where patients are given certain psychological tests online. Admin panel is used for managing patients, register practitioners and assistants, monitor tests, evaluate test results and etc.
Technologies: Asp.net 3.0 using C# , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
URL: http://www.cfsplc.com/
Description: A website for online fund transfer. Customer can transfer funds online from his CFS account to another customer’s CFS account. Customers can also transfer funds from his bank account to another CFS account and can also add fund to his personal CFS account from the bank account. Credit Card transfer is also provided where funds can be directly added from the customer’s Credit Card to personal CFS account or other CFS account.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
CONWATCH (E-Commerce Website)
URL: http://brinkster.tariqd.com/
Description: It is an e-commerce(online shopping) site where customers and merchants could create their accounts and shop and sale online
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
URL: http://www.lsbo.co.uk
Description: Re-engineered an old project developed by our company. Worked on both back and front end(admin and customer panels).Integrate new changes into an old system according to client's new requirements.
Technologies: ASP.net(2.0 and 1.0)(using C#), HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2000.
URL: http://www.arcametrics.com
Description: An online web file system that allows uploading and downloading of files. Directories can be created and deleted and files can be uploaded and downloaded. Permissions of user creation, folder creation, folder deletion, file upload and download, and access to different folders are user type specific.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
Agence Apollo (CMS and RSVP Management System)
URL: http://www.agenceapollo.ca
Description: Allows Agency Apollo administrators to manage the content of website by CMS. It also allows administrators to create events and keep track of all the customers who are registered for the event. This system allows them to create RSVP form in both English and French. The fields in a RSVP form may be added as per event requirements. The system also allows administrators to send invitation in English and French. It also allows exporting the customer’s information in MS Word and Excel format.
Customer Verification and Notification System
Description: Developed a Customer Verification and Notification system. The system verifies the customer information. Clients are redirected to web page requesting additional information required for completion to collect statistical data. The admin interface is also provided where the customer information can be reviewed and approved. The system provides feature to send individual and mass notification emails to clients to verify their information. A dashboard is provided so that an admin can view the current information on record and gathered revised data. The admin interface also provides the feature to view a report on successful and unsuccessful confirmations.
Technologies: Asp.net 3.0 using C# , HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
ABC English
URL: http://www.abcenglish.com
Description: An online learning UK based website. Build some new modules and modify some existing modules and integration of payment gateway.
Technologies: ASP.net(2.0 and 1.0)(using C#), HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2000.
Secured EmGraph
URL: http://www.abcenglish.com
Description: The enhancement and modification of web based reporting application used by Concordia administration. Provided the support for analyzing and generating reports for more university programs and integrate this application with the Drupal application. Also provided the security and role based accessibility to reports (to faculty and department deans).
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#), HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2000.
URL: http://www.MarcomInk.com
Description: A personal website of a consultant. Contains a blog where users can leave comments on various posts. Initially our own blog was integrated, featured various features like users can register, reply to the topics, admin can create topics and etc. Later WordPress blog was integrated to the site. This site has an admin panel (CMS), where the contents of the whole website can be managed, like images can be uploaded, text of a page can be edited and etc.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
Summia Homes
URL: http://www.summiahomes.com/
Description: A personal website of a real estate agent. This site also has an admin panel (CMS), where the contents of the whole website can be managed, like images can be uploaded, text of a page can be edited and etc.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
URL: http://www.defenselawyerga.com/index.php
Description: New changes on existing website of a criminal defense and family lawyer. Few database and front end changes.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
Cnc Inc Solutions
URL: http://www.cncincsolutions.com/survey/login.php
Description: Development and integration of individual and group survey forms with database. Admin interface (CMS) is also provided to manage these online surveys.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
URL: http://www.bradcorpfoodservices.com/
Description: Development of a Website of a wholesale distributor of foodservice equipment and supplies. Also provided CMS for managing website content and manage products.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#), HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
URL: http://quickcontractors.com/hbc
Description: Maintenance, bug fixes, and updates of the subdomain of quickcontractors.com. The site has two versions, English and French.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#), HTML, infrajistics, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2005.
WarmThoughts: SITNR
URL: http://www.warmthoughts.com
Description: A part of WarmThoughts project(http://www.warmthoughts.com).purpose of this site is to market Oil dealers and provide services to them. Website also contains a blog (WordPress) and CMS is provided to manage the contents of whole website.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
TOF(admin Panel)
Description: It is an admin panel for online shopping site. Worked on 5 modules.
Technologies: ASP.net 2.0 (using C#), HTML, infrajistics, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server 2000.
Paxfire: paxproject
URL: http://www.paxprojects.com
Description: Integrate different internal company projects into a single web application by providing the same login and session management to all sites.
Technologies: PHP, AJAX, JQUERY, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL.
We provide IT consulting, software application development, web 2.0 development, testing & quality assurance, internet marketing, and business intelligence services. Our years of experience, a pool of IT resources and excellence in top technologies like .NET, PHP, ASP, Perl, Cold Fusion, JAVA and eCommerce software platform can be of a winning solution to your business needs.
Our Client Proximity Center is located in Canada.